Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions - AquaVerse Shipbuilding and Ship TradingCompany

These terms and conditions ("Terms") govern the use of services providedby AquaVerse, a shipbuilding and ship trading company based in Belgium("Company," "we," or "us"). By engaging in any business transaction oraccessing our services, you ("User" or "Customer") agree to abide bythese Terms. Please read them carefully.

1 Services

1.1. Shipbuilding: AquaVerse provides shipbuildingservices, including the design, construction, and delivery of ships toCustomers based on their specifications and requirements.

1.2. ShipTrading: AquaVerse acts as an intermediary in ship trading,facilitating the buying and selling of ships between ship owners andpotential buyers. We assist in negotiating agreements, arranginginspections, and facilitating the transfer of ownership.

2 Orders and Contracts

2.1. Shipbuilding: Customers interested inshipbuilding services may request a quote based on their specificrequirements. Upon mutual agreement, a contract will beestablished, outlining the ship specifications, cost, delivery timeline,and payment terms.

2.2. Ship Trading: Buyers interested inpurchasing a ship can browse our inventory or provide specificrequirements. We will assist in identifying suitable options. Once anagreement is reached between the buyer and seller, AquaVerse willfacilitate the necessary documentation for the transfer of ownership.

3 Pricing and Payments

3.1. Shipbuilding: The pricing for shipbuildingservices will be provided in the contract. Payment terms, includingdeposit requirements, milestones, and final payment, will bespecified in the agreement.

3.2. Ship Trading: The purchase pricefor ships listed in our inventory or negotiated separately will becommunicated to the buyer. Payment terms, including depositrequirements and balance payment, will be agreed upon betweenthe buyer and seller.

3.3. AquaVerse operates on the basis of brokerage / commission when selling existing vessels ,( maritime related products).
Commission : is agreed in written form before the negotiations, confirmed by AquaVerse and seller. In the absence of a written agreement on commission, a minimum 2 % commission on the selling price of the vessels/maritime-related products will be charged to the seller.
Payment of commission by the seller on the day of handover conducted by the notary of the vessel/marine-related product.
By using our services, the seller unobjectionably agrees, that no transfer can take place without payment of commission. In the situation that transfer cannot take place AquaVers is not liable for any claims or damages suffered by seller or buyer.

4 Delivery and Transfer of Ownership

4.1. Shipbuilding: The deliverytimeline will be specified in the contract, taking into accountconstruction, testing, and final inspections. The risk of loss ordamage to the ship transfers to the Customer upon delivery, asdefined in the contract.

4.2. Ship Trading: Upon completion of thenecessary documentation and payment, the transfer of ownershipwill take place as per the applicable laws and regulations.

5 Intellectual Property

5.1. Shipbuilding: AquaVerse retains ownershipof any intellectual property developed during the shipbuildingprocess unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.

5.2. Ship Trading:AquaVerse does not claim ownership of any intellectual propertyrights related to the ships being traded unless otherwise specified.

6 Limitation of Liability

6.1. While AquaVerse endeavors to provideaccurate and reliable information and services, we do not guaranteethe accuracy, completeness, or suitability of any information orservices provided.

6.2. AquaVerse shall not be liable for any direct,indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising fromthe use or inability to use our services or any information provided.

7 Confidentiality

7.1. AquaVerse respects the confidentiality of ourCustomers and will handle any provided information in accordancewith applicable data protection laws and our Privacy Policy.

8 Termination

8.1. Either party may terminate a contract or businessrelationship by providing written notice to the other party, subject toany specific terms outlined in the contract or applicable laws.

9 Governing Law and Jurisdiction

9.1. These Terms and any disputesarising from them shall be governed by and interpreted inaccordance with the laws of the country where AquaVerse isregistered, meaning Antwerp-Belgium. The courts of that jurisdictionshall have exclusive jurisdiction over any legal proceedings.


10.1. AquaVerse reserves the right to modify orupdate these Terms at any time. Any changes will be effective uponposting the revised Terms on our website or notifying Customersdirectly.

By engaging in business with AquaVerse shipbuilding and ship tradingcompany, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreedto these Terms and Conditions.


De Keyserlei 60C box 1301
2018 Antwerp, Belgium

+32 489 11 22 27


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